Saturday, June 10, 2017






The first smart homes were ideas, not actual structures. For decades, science fiction has explored the idea of home automation. Prolific writers, such as Ray Bradbury, imagined a future where homes were interactive, and seemingly ran themselves. In Bradbury’s cautionary short story, “There Will Come Soft Rains” he describes an automated home that continues to function even after humans have died out. It’s all well and frightening, until you consider the actual benefits of home automation, and then the idea becomes more comforting than chilling. 

Although the idea of home automation has been around for some time, actual smart homes have only existed a short while. This timeline focuses on hardware; meaning actual inventions leading up to the smart homes we know today and can expect from the near future.
1901 – 1920– The invention of home appliances – Although home appliances aren’t what we’d consider “smart,” they were an incredible achievement in the early twentieth century. These achievements began with the first engine-powered vacuum cleaner in 1901. A more practical electricity-powered vacuum was invented in 1907. Throughout two decades refrigerators would be invented, as well as clothes dryers, washing machines, irons, toasters, and so much more. It was a fantastic time for anyone who was employed as a maid by a very affluent family.

1966 - 1967 – ECHO IV and the Kitchen Computer –Although it was never commercially sold, the ECHO IV was the first smart device. This clever device could compute shopping lists, control the home’s temperature and turn appliances on and off. The Kitchen Computer, developed a year later, could store recipes, but had the unfortunate tagline, “If she can only cook as well as Honeywell can computer” and therefore sold no models.

1991 – Gerontechnology – Gerontechnology combines gerontology and technology and  makes the lives of senior citizens easier. In the 1990s, there was a lot of new research and technology in this sector. Remember, “I’ve fallen and I can’t get up?” Life Alert is one example of gerontechnology.
1998 – Early 2000s – Smart Homes –Smart homes, or home automation, began to increase in popularity in the early 2000s. As such, different technology began to emerge. Smart homes suddenly became a more affordable option, and therefore a viable technology for consumers. Domestic technologies, home networking, and other gadgets began to appear on store shelves.
Today’s Smart Homes – Today’s smart homes are more about security and living greener. Our smart homes are sustainable, and they help to ensure that our homes aren’t expending unnecessary energy. They also help alert us to intruders (whether we’re home or not).
Current trends in home automation include remote mobile control, automated lights, automated thermostat adjustment, scheduling appliances, mobile/email/text notifications, and remote video surveillance.
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“Connectivity and interactivity are driving the way families live and manage their homes. So while we are expected to be in more places due to business travel, children’s school schedules and social activities, these new smart systems provide cutting edge connectivity to your household, even when you’re far away. And when the house is occupied, the high level of automation enables more convenience, control and safety from any part of your property. It all adds up to fewer worries and increased enjoyment of life, which is something we would all welcome,” writes ADT technologies, who some say have lower home security costs than other competitors.

The Future of Home Automation – CNN prophesies that the smart home of the future will be a bit like what we’ve seen in the animated series, “The Jetsons.” Look forward to digital cutting boards (digital everything, really), molecular cooking devices, and so much more.


Your Future Home is Going to Be Way Smarter Than You Think:

This weekend I went down a deep rabbit hole with home automation. It started with me receiving my Amazon Echo, researching creative ways to use Alexa to its full potential, and it ended with me nearly registering for Raspberry Pi development courses online. (FYI: I didn’t register, so if you know even the basics of Raspberry Pi or other SBC hit me up!)

Building a smart home is not about turning lights on/off via an app but, its creating systems and formulas to customize controls to fit your lifestyle.


Ah, logic and the beauty of functions “if this, then that”. The reason why your future home will be way better than anything you can think of is because of its flexibility and customization.


Security cameras, motion sensor lights, and motion detectors have been around for decades. What might surprise you is if you thought you were vulnerable without smart devices, you may be worse off with them.

It is extremely easy for hackers to hack smart devices and enter a home with ease, just like a trained locksmith could enter any home he pleased right now.
This is where my Raspberry Pi rabbit hole began because there are ways to connect your smart devices to a TOR essentially making them undetectable from anyone including hackers.


I’ve talked about how the “Smart Home” is in its Wild West Stage in previous post.. but WOW was that an understatement.
Heres an example of how primitive the industry is.. I want to turn my fireplace on by saying “Alexa, Turn on my fireplace” my fireplace is controlled by a normal single pole switch. However the wires ran to the single pole are low voltage from a thermocouple. Most smart switches need 120v to operate, since Amazon Echo is only compatible with a select few products I could only use the WeMo Maker which is pretty much a relay with WIFI signal. The tricky part is feeding the WeMo Maker with 120v power, so I would either have to fish wires from the closest outlet and use a USB converter, or run a charger in plain sight.


The homeowners who are willing to roll up their sleeves and do some research can live a life filled with security, data, convenience, and energy savings for their home. Those who don’t will end up paying expensive monthly fees with limited customization.